HOME PAGE 2018-02-08T09:17:02+00:00

Building Sport Grounds

Building Sport Grounds


Environmental recovery

Environmental recovery


Public and residential green areas

Public and residential green areas


Consolidation and recovery of coastal areas and beaches

Consolidation and recovery of coastal areas and beaches


Routes and ecological car parks

Routes and ecological car parks



Arizona Tifdwarf
It is a recent hybrid bermuda grass dwarf to deep root system, equipped with a leaf fine that form a carpet incredibly dense. The rapid development side, coupled with the growth…
 Gold Paspalum Vaginatum

Gold is a Paspalum vaginatum variety. This fine-bladed turf is ideal for golf course, sports fields, home lawns and parks. It is a grass wich thrives on saltwater areas…


Mediterraneo is a tall fescue variety with medium leaf. Summer heat is the main problem associated with maintaining a quality fescue lawn therefore it requires significant irrigation during…

Miami Tifway 419
The most popular hybrid bermuda grass for more than 40 years. It has among the weeds, the better traffic resistance and it is indicated for green areas with high traffic…

Smeraldo’s the best feature is the striking blue-green color. The color is emerald green, and the best cold tolerance among our spear grass, making it unique in its kind…

“Sport” grass is the most popular variety in USA for many good reasons. Not only does it thrive in our sunny, warm climate, it’s also extremely durable.“Sport” grass is great for…
 St. Augustine

St.Agustine is a semi-dwarf stenotaphrum variety. It’s the best solution for shady conditions, but also thrives in full sunlight, it survives even under the pines. Rustic lawn that requires…

 Tifgreen 328
Tifgreen 328 was originally developed for use on golf course greens and is the best choise if you prefer a highly manicured appearance. Tifgreen has a very fine texture and a bright green color…

Is a variety from Japan, with an average growth slow and prostrate; it is one of the least mowed during the period of maximum vigor. The color is superior dark green, too resistent to herbicides and…